We have talent.

Sales Consultant (m/w/d)

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  • Hamburg
  • Festangestellt
  • Start: ab sofort
  • Duration: langfristig
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Was ist für dich wichtig? Verdienstmöglichkeiten? Eigenständigkeit? Weiterentwicklung? Ein positives Teamumfeld? Unser Unternehmen bietet dir all das, egal ob du Erfahrung in der Personaldienstleistung hast oder nicht!


Du bist ehrgeizig, motiviert, vertriebsorientiert und hast Bock, dir eine erfolgreiche Karriere im Sales aufzubauen? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig.

Du startest in einem Unternehmen, das in seine Mitarbeiter investiert – durch maßgeschneiderte Schulungen und schnelle Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten.


GECO ist ein erfolgreiches IT-Personaldienstleistungsunternehmen in der DACH-Region mit 25-jähriger Historie. Hier arbeitest du in einem internationalen Umfeld, denn seit 2018 gehören wir Yoh an - einem Personaldienstleistungsunternehmen mit Sitz in den USA und Großbritannien. Unser Mutterkonzern schaut bereits auf eine 80-jährige Geschichte in den Bereichen IT, Life Science und Fintech zurück.


Wir möchten weiter wachsen und suchen daher einen Sales Consultant/ Account Manager 360° (m/w/d) zur Verstärkung unseres Hamburger Teams.


Was wir bieten:


  • attraktives Gehalt – Fixgehalt plus Provision ohne Deckelung

  • hybrides Arbeiten

  • flexible Arbeitszeiten

  • gute Aufstiegschancen

  • cooles Team

  • schlanke Prozesse und keine Einschränkungen in den Vertriebsgebieten

  • Diamond Holiday Club, sowie weitere Incentives

  • Schulungen – klare Ziele für die Weiterentwicklung

  • helle Büroräume & ergonomische Arbeitsplätze mit fantastischer Aussicht und bester Anbindung

  • attraktive Rabatte bei namenhaften Unternehmen


Was dich als Sales Consultant/ Account Manager 360° (m/w/d) erwartet:


  • Management des gesamten Sales-Prozesses: Vom Erstkontakt bis zum Deal

  • Akquisition und Durchdringung von potenziellen Kunden in der Neukundengewinnung

  • Recruiting: Suchen, Begeistern und Onboarden neuer Mitarbeiter für dein Projekt

  • Verhandlungen zu Angeboten, Preisen, Einsatz- und Vertragsbedingungen mit Neukunden und Consultants

  • Nach erfolgreicher Neukundengewinnung bist du erster Ansprechpartner für deine Bestandskunden

  • Mitwirkung an der Strategie und der Umsetzung unserer regionalen Unternehmensziele


Was du mitbringst:


  • eine abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung oder ein abgeschlossenes Studium

  • erste Erfahrungen im Vertrieb

  • kaufmännisches Denken

  • selbständige und strukturierte Arbeitsweise

  • sehr gute Deutsch- und gute Englischkenntnisse

  • Ehrgeiz und Motivation

  • Selbstbewusstsein

  • Spaß daran, Kontakte zu schließen und auf Menschen zuzugehen


Für weitere Informationen und bei Interesse an der Position des Sales Consultant/ Account Managers 360° (m/w/d), melde dich bei uns! Dies ist eine einmalige Chance, mit führenden Unternehmen der Branche zusammenzuarbeiten und deine Karriere in der Personaldienstleistung voranzubringen.


Wir freuen uns auf dich!

Personalreferentin / Inhouse Recruiter
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Your career with GECO

Are you looking for a future-proof job with attractive development opportunities? Do you prefer working with a friendly, supportive team? Are you looking for an employer who not only rewards your performance with a fair salary, but also with personal appreciation? Then you might want to learn more about a career at GECO.

Apply on your own initiative

Currently no suitable job posting for you here? Never mind - we always look forward to interesting personalities who want to bring their ideas to our team. Industry newbies are also welcome!

Just send us your detailed application documents: bewerbungen@geco-group.com

Top reasons for cooperationwhy you should work for GECO:

Smooth onboarding
Smooth onboarding

A stack of work on the first day? Not with us. Get to know all the departments and meet your colleagues over lunch. Your orientation will also be supported with our detailed training plans and our quality management system with work instructions, forms and templates. 

Never stop learning
Never stop learning

Interested in rapid progress? With us, you’ll have the opportunity to regularly expand your expertise through internal training modules with our veteran employees, our intragroup e-learning platform as well as external training opportunities. You can also attend webinars or online courses as desired.

Gain perspective
Gain perspective

What are your professional goals? Plan your specific career with our career matrix - and achieve your desired stages step by step. Whether from trainee to department head or from recruiter to management: Many of our employees have already developed in this or similar ways.

Remain flexible
Remain flexible

Work by punching the clock? Not necessary. Our trust-based flexitime allows you to work on a flexible schedule – even from your home office, if necessary. And should you ever want to live in another city: Our offices in Hamburg and Munich offer you the chance to change locations.

Enjoyable work climate
Enjoyable work climate

Waking up in the morning and looking forward to work: We'll do anything for that! Our flat hierarchies and short decision paths make for constructive teamwork – with plenty of room for your own ideas. In addition, you can expect a loft-style workspace with free drinks and an inspiring views over Hamburg or the Alps.

Experience events
Experience events

Whether it's a springtime party, brunch or laser tag : We always come up with something fun to promote team spirit. Our regular events offer you the opportunity to establish closer contact with your colleagues in a casual setting.

Use of company car and iPhone
Use of company car and iPhone

Performance pays off: With us, you can drive a premium brand car, receive a late-model iPhone - both also for private use - as well as a laptop for your daily business.

Company pension scheme
Company pension scheme

Worried about your retirement security? So are we. That's why we pay an employer's contribution of up to 20 percent for your company pension scheme.  

Stay fit
Stay fit

Is physical fitness important to you? We are happy to encourage this attitude. Simply take advantage of our gym membership discounts. Or join one of our internal sports teams, such as our running group.

Environmentally friendly work
Environmentally friendly work

With us, you can say it with a clear conscience: I am part of a company that keeps its ecological footprint as small as possible. For example, we often use online meetings instead of long business trips and are happy to take the train instead of flying.

Social contribution
Social contribution

At Christmas, we do not invest in expensive customer gifts, but donate the amount to an organization of our choice - in recent years, for example, to the Sternenbrücke Children's Hospice, the German Childhood Cancer Foundation and the German Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Plenty of rest and recreation
Plenty of rest and recreation

You will receive an annual holiday entitlement that increases with the length of your company loyalty. Any accrued overtime can be taken as additional hours or days off.

Conny Zitelli

Division Manager8 years with us

I became aware of GECO through a former colleague. After that, everything happened very quickly. Job interview - felt like way above the clouds - on the 15th floor. The overall atmosphere and the team spirit of the colleagues who I met at the intro day magically attracted me. We are a colourful, diverse and fun-loving group, and can also really get down to work. Stored work address: Glitter Palace

Michail Bartonitz

Teamlead of Recruitment11 years with us

I joined GECO on the recommendation on Markus in March 2013. I had previously heard about the great teamwork and camaraderie at GECO: Fun at work can also be productive! When a trainee position became available, I didn't think twice and decided to learn the GECO business from the ground up through training. I can now proudly say that I am GECO's first Human Resources Services Consultant. I stayed because my expectations were fulfilled, I was given a real perspective, and I truly enjoy working at GECO, even in somewhat stressful times. Management maintains an open-minded approach and is supportive of continuous employee development. By now, I have assumed responsibility for managing a small team.

Giulia de Flart

Key Account Manager / Teamlead7 years with us

I have been part of the GECO family since April 2017. At that time I was looking for a part-time job as a working student, which is how I became aware of GECO. My first impression can best be described as "love at first sight". This was not only because of the many things I have in common with my team leader, but also due to the great conversations I had with GECO employees on the day of my interview. After a short time it was clear to me that I wanted to stay at GECO and start my career here. My professional development since then has been continuous. Our management has always been responsive to my wishes and has enabled me to pursue my own goals. I am very grateful for this great trust and flexibility and look forward to continuing to be part of the GECO cosmos.

Andreas Flindris

Recruiter7 years with us

Ahoy! I joined GECO in March 2017. In addition to my job as a DJ at the time, I learned my first steps on deck part-time in the applicant management department. I was then given the opportunity to support the crew as a lateral recruiter in Central Recruitment, where I dropped anchor in September 2017 and have been on the lookout for new employees for our customers on the open ocean ever since. I am very grateful to our captain and the entire crew that I was given this opportunity. Based on my own example, I’d like to emphasise that GECO is a company that offers new employees the opportunity to try something new, even as career changers. I wish all readers smooth sailing, and I dare you to venture into unfamiliar waters!

Anika Krüger

Inhouse Recruiter12 years with us

Ich bin im August 2012 durch eine ehemalige Kommilitonin auf GECO aufmerksam geworden und habe mich initiativ als Abteilungsleiterin im Contract & Billing beworben. Und – ich wurde eingestellt und bin seitdem glücklich ein GECO zu sein. Nach 4 Jahren in der Position und zwei Jahren Elternzeit (1 Jahr zwischendurch war ich als Assistentin bei GECO tätig…), kehrte ich 2019 frisch motiviert zurück ins Büro – in einer neu geschaffenen Stelle als Inhouse Recruiterin. Seit 09/2019 fülle ich diese Stelle jetzt mit Leben und mir bereitet (fast… 😉) jeder Arbeitstag viel Spaß. Seit 07/2020 habe ich einen weiteren Verantwortungsbereich als Ausbildungsleiterin übernommen und betreue unsere Stuzubis (Studenten & Auszubildende). Jeder Tag hier entwickelt mich weiter und mein persönliches GECO steht seit vielen Jahren für: Gemeinschaft – Erfolg – Chancen – Optimierung

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Your direct contact to GECO

Send us your enquiry or simply give us a call:  +49 (0) 40 764 007 0

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